Bagpipe Set Up
A well set up bagpipe is a pleasure to play. You can make the analogy of a race car and a driver. Even though the driver may be skilled if the car is not well tuned then it will be hard for the driver to be successful. The same can be applied to the bagpipes.
Your pipes will be oiled, re hemped and reeds set up to a level that will enable the player to enjoy and progress on the instrument.

Complete Bagpipe Tune Up
A well set up bagpipe is a pleasure to play. You can make the analogy of a race car and a driver. Even though the driver may be skilled if the car is not well tuned then it will be hard for the driver to be successful. Same can be applied to the bagpipes.
Your pipes will go through a thorough process whereby every part is inspected, cleaned, glued or oiled. We will ensure your bag and reeds are in tip top shape. We will maximize the performance and tone of your bagpipe.

Hide or Sheepskin Bag Installation
An air tight pipe bag is crucial to having a steady and harmonious bagpipe. A bag that leaks makes playing the bagpipes almost impossible. Bill will ensure the bag he ties on is completely airtight. It will inspire you to play at a much more enjoyable and accomplished level. If you are a shorter player you may want stocks tied a little closer to front of bag to ensure your bag is ergonomically comfortable for you. This can be detailed in the special instruction section.
Please Note: Stocks that have a thick sludge attached may incur an extra charge. Cleaning stocks with excessive build up of seasoning and sludge can take Bill up to an extra hour to apply the bag. This will usually incur an extra charge of $50.00. It is imperative for balanced and steady tone to ensure stocks are clean when applying the bag.

Synthetic Pipe Bag Installation
An air tight pipe bag is crucial to having a steady and harmonious bagpipe. A bag that leaks makes playing the bagpipes almost impossible. Bill will ensure the bag he ties on is completely airtight. It will inspire you to play at a much more enjoyable and accomplished level.
Please Note: Stocks that have a thick sludge attached may incur an extra charge. Cleaning stocks with excessive build up of seasoning and sludge can take Bill up to an extra hour to apply the bag. This will usually incur an extra charge of $50.00. It is imperative for balanced and steady tone to ensure stocks are clean when inserting into the bag.

Complete Bagpipe Refurbishment
Over the years we have completely refurbished sets of bagpipes to their former glory. It may be your great grand fathers bagpipe or a set you have owned for years. We can restore them back to their pristine, vintage condition. We prefer to rehabilitate parts through processes such as whipping so that an old vintage set of bagpipes remain intact as they were manufactured many years ago. We would be happy to give you an approximate quote on getting your bagpipes restored.