Bill Hawes – President & CEO
Bill Hawes was a world class piper winning prestigious prizes all over North America and Scotland. HIs parents started the business 40 years ago in order to get reeds and bagpipe supplies for Bill and his sister Jeanie. Bill and his sister Jeanie are business partners and each of them brings unique skills and expertise to the company. After obtaining his Bachelor of Commerce degree, Bill was employed in Alberta’s oil industry until the late ’90’s. The opportunity came along for Bill … Read More

Jeanie Hawes – VP Marketing & Sales
Jeanie is an accomplished piper with prizes and accolades all over North America and Scotland. Jeanie was the first female Canadian to win the “light music” at the prestigious Northern Meetng in Inverness, Scotland. After obtaining a Bachelor of Commerce degree, Jeanie worked in the IT sector, then pursued an MBA. However, the Highland Shoppe was an appealing challenge. Jeanie joined the company in 2002 to become business partners with her brother Bill. Jeanie also travels to the United Kingdom … Read More