We respect your privacy.
Any information you provide will be held with the utmost care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or e-mail us.
What information do we collect?
For orders placed online and by phone, it is necessary that we record your personal information including your name, address, phone number, and email address. Online and phone orders will also require us to ask for your credit card information. All payment information taken on our website is through Paypal. Paypal is the world leader in online payment processing. Rest assured your payment information is secure.
What do we do with this information?
All customer information is stored in our secure server and is not accessed until payment is required. Upon this time, we will use your information to process the order and send you the tracking information (if you have provided us with an email address). We may also use your email information to send you promotional flyers and special offers. We promise to not sell your information for third-party solicitation purposes.
Returns and Exchanges
To keep with our secure process, payment information is generally not saved by Highland Scottish Gift Shoppe Ltd. (unless the customer wishes for us to do so). To process returns and exchanges, we will need to ask for the customer’s payment information. If sending a return or exchange by mail, please include the payment information on the returns form and put in the parcel or phone us with the details.
Newsletters and Updates
The Highland Scottish Gift Shoppe Ltd. offers newsletters and flyers via email. You may choose to stop receiving these communications at any time. Each of these emails will include a link to quickly and easily unsubscribe and decline further emails.