McCallum Rucksack Pipe Case
The McCallum Rucksack pipe case is a very light weight padded bagpipe case.
It incorporates storage for your accessories with one outside pocket. You have the option of carrying this case via two heavy duty nylon handles or as a back pack with two adjustable straps. Great value for a case to transport your pipes from practices to competitions.

Pipers Choice Backpack Pipe Case
The Pipers Choice Backpack pipe case is one of the most stylish and practical pipe cases on the market. It is very light and ergonomic to transport pipes.

RG Hardie Pipers Deluxe Case
This Deluxe Pipers case is the latest edition to the R.G. Hardie line of bagpipe cases.
It is the ultimate backpack case for your bagpipes. This case has a stylish look with gold piping and is available in three colors. Foam padded walls protect your pipes. Lots of specialized storage for your accessories. The handles and back supports both have padding making it comfortable for you to travel with your pipes.