Now Booking Burns Events!

Robbie Burns Night is just around the corner!  This evening of celebration really does come fast after the holidays.  We are now taking bookings for Robbie Burns Nights January 2025.  Whether you want to reserve 1 piper (Bill or Jeanie) or as a duo , now is the time to book!  Our dates fill up fast and since there are only two of us, our calendar fills quickly. Looking to host your own Burns Night but not sure where to … Read More

Why buy your kilt locally from us??

Our kilts are woven and made in Scotland.  What are the benefits of buying your kilt from us locally here in Calgary, as opposed to purchasing online from the UK?  Let me begin by recounting TWO gents I dealt with this week.  “Mac” (not his real name)  was in a panic looking to rent a Mackenize kilt for his upcoming wedding in a few days.  He had ordered on line directly from a UK  supplier.  He also measured himself. The … Read More

Measure properly for your new kilt!

A custom made kilt should be very comfortable to wear – some might say even more comfortable than a suit!  However, it is very important to make sure you are providing accurate measurements to the kilt maker….otherwise there will be disapointment in the fit.  This is especially important for a heavy 8 or 9 yard kilt.  The quality and luxurious 8 yard kilt is heavy, but when measured and fitted properly it is a wonderful kilt to wear.  However, inaccurate … Read More

A full 8 yard kilt or a 5 yard kilt?

We get this question all the time, what is the difference between the 8 yard kilt and the 5 yard kilt?  The answer is obvious in the name, as there is more tartan “yardage” is in the 8 yard kilt.  However, let’s highlight a few key differences to help make your purchase easier.  The 8 yard kilt is HEAVY, especially if it is made in the 16 oz. strome weight.   Some people love this heavy weight, others are shocked by … Read More

Why buy a kilt from us?

Why buy a kilt from us here at Highland Shoppe? 1) We can measure you in person or in our virtual kilt fitting room to assure you that your measurements are accurate! Just make an appointment via email or phone. 2) We save you money $$$$. How?!? Well, many folks don’t know that when they order from outside of Canada they are going to get surprise additional charges for duty, brokerage, shipping , and possibly a terminal fee from the … Read More

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